Rabu, 17 Maret 2010



A. Pengertian

Adalah kalimat pengandaian atau bersyarat, yang menunjukkan suatu harapan atau sesuatu yang tidak sesuai dengan kenyataan.


If I were you, I would study Japanese

Lamansu would help us, if he were here.

B. Pola Kalimat

Pola kalimat normalnya, terdiri dari 2 bagian, yaitu main clause dan if clause atau dengan dependent clause.

Main clause atau disebut induk kalimat menyatakan sesuatu akan atau mungkin terjadi, sedangkan if clause atau anak kalimat berisi syarat.

Anak kalimat biasa dimulai dengan: if, unless, if not (=unless). Dependent clause bisa ditempatkan sebelum atau sesudah main clause.


If it rains, he will not go out

He will not go, unless tou accompany him

C. Jenis

Conditional Sentences mempunyai tiga tipe pengungkapan, dimana pada masing-masingnya terdapat sepasang tense yang berbeda-beda.

1. Tipe 1: Probable Condition atau Real Condition

Menyatakan sesuatu keadaan atau kejadian yang besar harapan akan terwujud pada masa yang akan datang. Kata kerjanya menggunakan bentuk waktu sekarang (present tense) dalam if clause dan bentuk waktu yang akan datang (future tense) dalam main clause.

Pola Kalimat:

IF CLAUSE-----Present Tense

MAIN CLAUSE-----Future Tense


I will go if the rain stops

I will go if he gives me the money

If I have time, I will go with you

2. Tipe 2: Improbable Condition/Unreal Condition

Menyatakan sesuatu keadaan atau kejadiaan yang tipis harapan akan terjadi. Kata kerja IF CLAUSE dibentuk dengan menggunakan past tense sedangkan untuk MAIN CLAUSE dibuat dalam bentuk conditional tense, yaitu Would/should, could atau might sebagai auxiliary verb.

Pola Kalimat

IF CLAUSE--------Past Tense

MAIN CLAUSE----Past Future


I would go if the rain stopped

If Handayani studied, she would pass

I would not go if it rained

3. Tipe 3: Impossible Condition /Unreal condition

Menyatakan suatu kejadian atau keadaan yang sama sekali tidak ada kemungkinan akan terjadi.

Pola kalimat:

IF CLAUSE ---------Past Perfect Tense

MAIN CLAUSE------Past Future Perfect


I would have gone if the rain had stopped

If he started the work on time, he could have finished it by now.

I would have gone if he had given me the money

Conditional Sentence dapat pula ditulis tanpa menggunakan IF, yaitu yang disebut dengan conditional clause without if. Bentuk ini dibangun dengan menuliskan auxiliary verb di depan subyek anak kalimat yang ditulis mendahului induk kalimat.

Example :

Can I swim, Iwill help you.

Had the rain stopped, Iwould have gone.


These conjunction indicate something unreal or contrary to fact and thus are very similar in form to conditional sentences. The verb which follows these conjuctions must be in the past tense or past perfect. Remember that the past tense of be in a contray to fact statement must be were and Never was.

Subject + verb (present) + as if/as though + subject + verb (past)


Angelique walks as though she studied modeling

(She didn’t study modeling.)

He acts as though he were rich

Subject + verb (past) + as if/as though + subject + verb (past perfect)


Jeff looked as if he had seen a ghost.

(He didn’t see a ghost.)

Note: The two preceding rules apply only when as if or as though indicates a contrary to fact meaning. At times, they do not have that meaning and then would not be followed by these tenses


He looks as if he has finished the test.

(Perhaps he has finished)

He looked as though he was leaving

(Perhaps he was leaving)

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